SHG Recap #1: Thank You For Being Here

and 5 best resources from the week

This is the first Sunday after releasing Side Hustlers’ Guild.

How are you liking it so far? Reply and let me know.

I’ve sent 24 resources over the past week, here’s the 5 best ones.

5 Best Resources From This Week To Not Miss

Charge more for your products & services with Relative Pricing Pyramid.

How Christopher Kokoski make $5,000 a month writing slow articles.

Eve Arnold has written a low-risk strategy to your first $1.

Other Thoughts

I have an idea of writing 10 ideas or random thoughts every day. And I’m thinking of sharing it online. Maybe through a Medium publication.


To train myself to instantly think outside the box.

Here’s the thing…

Change is the only constant in life.

So we need to constantly innovate in order to adapt to it.

By sharing 10 ideas / thoughts every day, someone might see it, get inspired and execute one of those ideas.

It could change the world.

Or just change one person’s life.


That's it for this week.